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Create Up

Newsletter 1

Promoting Entrepreneurship For The Cultural And Creative Sectors

Project Create Up is a dynamic initiative aimed at empowering young artists, teachers, and educators in the artistic field to overcome the challenges of unemployment. In today’s rapidly evolving job market, we recognize the importance of equipping artists with entrepreneurial skills to thrive in their careers.

Building on European methodology
At the heart of our project lies the Entrecomp Framework, developed by the European Commission to define the key competencies required for entrepreneurship. By building on this framework, we identify and prioritize the essential entrepreneurial skills that young artists need to succeed in today’s competitive landscape. 

We are building it on data
We are building all activities for young creatives on data from 6 countries across Europe. What are the biggest obstacles holding them back from being successful entrepreneurs? What do they need when it comes to online learning? 

See the results of our surveys here and here.

E-learning, conferences and many more
Are you interested in our efforts? Would you like to be on that journey with us?

Building upon our initial research findings, we are actually preparing not just a complex e-learning platform with more than 50 hours of educational content tailored to the needs of artists, we are also working on national conferences which will be held in each country in fall 2024. 

We will bring all important players in the field of education into one place, as teachers, politicians, stakeholders, skillful creative entrepreneurs etc. It would be the best place to discuss opportunities and concrete steps for better education of artists and creators.

So, stay tuned, soon we will let you know the details.

We are stronger together

The project takes place in 6 European countries under the support of the Erasmus+ programme. This allows us to draw on foreign experience and take full advantage of pan-European cooperation. Do you know someone who can be interested in our project? Let him know!

Project Duration
36 months | January 2022 – January 2024

Meet The Partners

Stay updated on the latest project results!

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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